
15th July 2016
Day 14, Near nothing (Miremont) to Royat

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Length - 22min 51
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- -
Garmin route for today - - Strava route for today


Start time: 09:07
Start location: xxxx
Start weather: xxxx
Total millage so far: 666.77

Stops: xxxx

Finish time: 00.00
Finish location: xxxx
Finish weather: xxxx
Miles today: 34.38. (Strava says - 38.9 ??? = 710.2)
Total millage so far: 701.15
Today's top speed: 00.00 - Garmin Cock up (Strava says - 68.7mph! cock up too)
Punctures: 00

Music played:
Frankie goes to Hollywood

Blog for the day:
Sitting here in a laundrette a bit like on the transam, waiting for washing to finish. such a waste of time when I could be out looking at the sights. Still have to work out where to dry it all!

So today's ride was billed as a tough one. Actually it wasn't too bad at all. Well ok it was hard with long climbs but it was doable. The scenery was amazing yet again as we passed through the volcanic region in the Massif Central. There were a couple of wrong turns as expected but generally things went to plan. The downhill's were just the best though, not had that much fun in a long time. To get my motivation going I used the iPod for the first time this trip. So the drops were really fast with some lovely sweeping switchbacks or long bends. As usual there were not that many cars about, and as usual the ones that were and had the "A" sticker, came too close and drove too fast. I thought the climbs were similar to the blue ridge hills of West Virginia in vegetation, length and grade.

Having no internet for a couple of days means I missed the most amazing spectacle on le tour for a lifetime. Chris Froome getting off his bike and running up the hill!! Like F me!!! Craziness. Had to buy a copy of L' Equip for that. Also another muzzie murdered a 84odd people in Nice last night. C*nuts.

So we are now in Royat. I will have to try and find somewhere to get my wheels fixed and the gears could do with a tweak too. Do I trust the French with my bike again?

Another observation I have made about the French. They love to smoke, gamble and drink; when they are not on strike ;)