TV shows

Various shows, some rave related like the Inspector Morse one, while Meredith on Sunday was filmed
wtih our class from Strode College. Miami Vice had a great soundtrack I liked at the time, as does Le Tour.

Dick Spanner-01

Dick Spanner-02

Dick Spanner-03

Fantasy football league
Us in the audience

God in the house

Inspector Morse - Cherubim & Seraphim
parts 1 &2

Inspector Morse - Cherubim & Seraphim
parts 3 & 4

Max Headroom (The Original Story)

Meredith on Sunday

Meredith on Sunday advert

Miami Vice - prison break

MTV fashion sting

MTV news - Ice Cube

MTV news - public enemy

MTV news - public enemy02

MTV news - samples

Network 7 - intro

Network 7 - bit

Tour de France

Tour of Britain intro
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